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Соглашение об использовании«I am proud of the staff of the hospital, which I have headed for more than 10 years. Some of the employees had worked before I came to the clinic, some have joined our partnership recently, but no matter how long ago a person joined our team, each of us is focused on providing our patients with the most complete qualified medical care from the initial visit to the CDC or the hospital's emergency room to the end of treatment. We try to make the name of City Clinical Hospital Hospital No. 67 become a high-quality brand and, perhaps, even a "sign of health".»
Sincerely, Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital No.67 the Chief Physician, Shkoda Andrey Sergeevich
Doctor of the highest qualification category, the Moscow Festival winner in the field of healthcare "Formula of Life'' in 2012, the honorary status holder "Moscow doctor". Graduated from the 2nd Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute named after N. I. Pirogov in 1984 with a degree in "Medical Science''. She completed an internship in specialty therapy at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, and a residency in the specialty "Endocrinology". For more than 20 years, she was heading the Endocrinology department at the State Clinical Hospital No. 67. She has repeatedly passed certification cycles in the specialty of endocrinology, participated in practical seminars within the framework of the Diabetological Educational Program for endocrinologists, and has the highest qualification category. She completed internships in Denmark and Israel.
Gennady Nikolaevich Kostylev graduated from the Military Medical Faculty at the Tomsk Medical Institute in 1988 with a degree in medical Science, and in 1998 from the Faculty of senior medical staff of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. He has 30 years of service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation in various positions, from a doctor of the military unit to an officer of the Main Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Member of the peacekeeping operation as part of the Russian military contingent in Kosovo in 2000-2001, medical colonel of the reserve. A veteran of military service. He has been working as a Deputy Chief Medical officer for civil defense and mobilization work since 2013. He took advanced training courses at the departments of Mobilization training and Disaster Medicine of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the Training and Methodological Center for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow. Passed professional retraining for conducting professional activities in the field of "Health organization and public health»
In 1997, she graduated from the Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry. In 2016, the Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow. Economist with a degree in economics and Management
She has a higher education in economics, in 2003 she graduated with honors from the Kuzbass State Technical University, and was awarded the qualification: "Economist" in the specialty: "Accounting, analysis and audit".
Full member of the SRD Audit Chamber of Russia, Moscow; Winner of the Competition "Best Auditor of the Siberian Federal District of Russia-2010".