Логотип ГКБ №67
SBIH Vorohobov’s City
Clinical Hospital №67 MHD
Moscow, Salam Adil Str 2/44
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The clinical diagnostic laboratory of the City Clinical Hospital No. 67 organizes its work on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 2000 No. 64. The nomenclature of clinical laboratory tests used to diagnose diseases and monitor the condition of patients in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation.
To carry out these studies, appropriate laboratories are being organized according to the latest order of the Health Department dated May 25, 2012 No. 481. “On measures to further improve laboratory research for the population of the city of Moscow.”
It is assumed that the bulk of the analyzes will be carried out in centralized laboratories. In 2007, the chief physician issued an order on the centralization of laboratory research at City Clinical Hospital No. 67.
At the beginning of 2020, the laboratory complex of the City Clinical Hospital No. 67 named after L.A. Vorokhobova received the international medical certificate ISO 15189: 2012. Compliance of the laboratory of GKB No. 67 with the highest international standards of laboratory diagnostics was confirmed by experts of the international certification center for control systems DQS CFS (Germany). This certificate is an internationally recognized guarantee of the quality and competence of the laboratory.
Express laboratories are deployed on the main flows of patients admission to the reception area of ​​building “D” and injuries, and a centralized laboratory is organized in building “B” with round-the-clock work on automatic analyzers in 4 main areas:

  • General clinical (chemical-microscopic, cytological).
  • Hematological and coagulation.
  • Biochemical-immunochemical.
  • Bacteriological.
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