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Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital No. 67 history.

ГКБ № 67 им. Л.А. Ворохобова

Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital No. 67 history. 

The City Clinical Hospital No. 67 was founded by Order No. 146 of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council of Workers of January 12, 1959 and subsequent Order No. 52 of the Moscow City Health Department of January 23, 1959.

The first children’s building with 120 beds was opened in March 1959.

In June 1959, after the completion of fitting the departments with equipment and recruiting a staff of medical specialists, the main building of the City Clinical Hospital No. 67 opened its doors to patients.

By order of the City Health Department, Lyudmila Vasilievna Petropolskaya was appointed as an acting chief physician.

She formed the personnel policy at the stage of formation of the hospital, and was engaged in its development. She laid a solid foundation for the further development and establishment of the hospital as a medical institution. L. V. Petropolskaya was the acting chief physician until 1962.

In 1962, Polina Semyonovna Petrushko was appointed chief physician of the State Medical Hospital No. 67.

Lyudmila V. Petropolskaya was appointed Deputy Chief Physician for the medical department, and Azamat Salievich Rajabov was appointed Deputy Chief Physician for Traumatology and Orthopedics.

Under the leadership of Petrushko P. S., the hospital became one of the best in the city. Her wise personnel policy allowed such talented doctors and scientists as I. Z. Kozlov, A. N. Ryzhikh, I. M. Alf, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G. S. Yumashev and others to open up. Polina Semyonovna managed the hospital for 22 years. Over the years, the hospital has become one of the largest hospitals in the capital.

In April 1985, Azamat Saliyevich Radzhabov was appointed the chief doctor of the hospital. Azamat Salievich knew the hospital and the staff well, as he had spent all his years in the hospital.

There is no doubt that the head of one of the largest hospitals in Moscow for such a long period of time could only be an organizer who has outstanding qualities: to lead the medical process, to solve problems of an economic and financial nature, to be aware of everything and to direct economic and construction activities, monitoring the performance of each department.

During the years of the leadership of A. S. Radzhabov, difficult “perestroika” times, the period of reforms fell. It was worth a lot of effort to keep the hospital “afloat”, to preserve the intellectual and professional level of the medical staff, good traditions that have been formed for more than one decade.

Azamat Salievich was one of the large cohort of chief doctors of the city of Moscow, who remained in his official chair for the longest period; he led the hospital for 16 years.

From 2001 to 2004, the director of the hospital was the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Adamenko, who had extensive experience in organizing work and continued the traditions of his predecessors.

From 2005 to the present, the Vorokhobov’s State Clinical Hospital No. 67 is headed by Andrey S. Shkoda, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Today, the hospital is one of the largest medical institutions in the city in the North-West of the capital, has 43 departments with a total bed capacity of 1261 beds of the following profiles: surgical, traumatological, neurosurgical, endocrinological, neurological, therapeutic, cardiological, obstetric and gynecological. In 2012, Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 60 was attached to the hospital as a branch, and in 2014, Maternity Hospital No. 1 was attached.

The hospital employs 9 doctors of medical Sciences, 91 candidates of Medical Sciences, 4 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation.

The hospital has 2 computer tomographs, 2 magnetic resonance tomographs (including 1 MRI-compatible anesthesia machine, a magnetic resonance tomograph for the extremities), 8 expert-class ultrasound machines, video equipment for the examination of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi and other equipment. The technical equipment of the hospital and the staffing of highly qualified specialists allow us to provide medical care at the level of European standards. Equipment for the study and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (angiograph) with the ability to adjust the cardiac and cerebral blood flow is in operation.

For a full and comprehensive support the surgical departments work, a blood transfusion department has been opened, which is engaged in the procurement, examination and long-term storage of blood and its derivatives. The department is fitted with modern equipment.

The laboratory department performs all the necessary research 24 hours a day. In recent years, modern biochemical analyzers and a diagnostic complex for performing a polymerase chain reaction have been obtained, installed and put into operation.

In order to develop centralized laboratory research in 2014, in the hospital the microbiological laboratory was allocated to an independent structural division, which is currently fitted with a unique equipment – a complex of automated bacteriological laboratory BD Kiestra.

Since 2014, the construction of a Perinatal Cardiology Center with 330 beds has begun. With its introduction the hospital will continue to provide specialized medical care to pregnant women, women in labor and newborns with cardiovascular diseases.

The hospital has a Regional Vascular Center, a City Center for Spinal Neurosurgery, a City Center for Diabetic Retinopathy, a Center for Clinical Research, and a Center for Telemedicine.

The hospital is developing successfully, the chief physician and the administration are basing the hospital work in such a way that the maximum amount of care is provided to each patient.

The medical institution’s achievements are noted not only at the city level (at the city festival ” Formula of Life ” in 2012, doctors Vedyashkina S. G. and Dzukaev D. N. were recognized as the best specialists, and in 2014 the hospital became the winner of the festival “Formula of Life” in the category “For innovation and progress”), but also at the federal level. The hospital was the “Vocation” award winner in 2009 in the category “For conducting a unique operation” and in 2010 in the category “For creating a new direction in Medicine”, in 2012 it was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation.